General Terms and Conditions of Sale

It is specified that the present conditions govern exclusively the sales made by LLC Miladiou (fr. SARL Miladiou), precising that all the products offered by producers are reserved for individuals who have first registered on our website as a user.


The website is edited and exploited by LLC Miladiou (fr. SARL Miladiou) with a capital of 65 200,00 Euros, registered under the number RCS Albi 828 327 577 – VAT n° FR77 828 327 577 – Mr Jérôme Soulages is appointed responsible, developer and integrator of the website

Webhosting, presentation and description of services: see the Website Legal Notices


All goods of the company SARL Miladiou are sold and delivered subject to and upon these Conditions that prevail over any purchasing conditions.

These terms represent the basis for the sale negotiations and they are systematically transferred to each buyer. The fact of making an order entails the purchaser’s full and unconditional adhesion to these conditions. Any modification or cancellation of an order requested by the client can only be considered if it is received in writing before the shipment of products. If LLC Miladiou does not accept the change or cancellation, any advance payments made will not be returned. Any complaint, for any reason what so ever, must be submitted in writing to LLC Miladiou by the following means the exclusion of any other form, either by mail or by e-mail using the “contact us” page that is accessible in client’s account or directly go to


All the proposed products on the website are in accordance with the French legislation current and with the applicable standards in France.
Every product has a description text to know its principal characteristics in accordance with article L111-1 of the French Consumer Code.

Each product is presented with a photo, contractual or not, that serves to illustrate. There may be a difference in the presentation of the product coming from the changing of the package

Changes by the manufacturer or supplier to the packaging will not affect in anyway its content.

The weight indicated in product presentation is variable and it may present a difference with the description of the supplies available at the moment of the preparation of the command. This is the case especially with the fresh products.

The indication concerning the composition of products may be incomplete or have minimal variations. The information provided in the product’s presentation is not intended to replace the official information written in the product’s packaging. In the case of allergies, customers are invited to consult the product’s description on the packaging.

3- PURCHASE ORDER website proposes to its users a purchase order on its homepage, so that every user may choose the one or several products wanted.
The products are proposed within the limit of the available stocks. This way every products sheet indicates if the product in question is available or not at the very moment that the user is consulting the webpage.

It can happen sometimes that the product is no more available when the delivery is being prepared. In this case the user will be informed by e-mail and he has 3 choices: to change the product for another one, report his order or simply cancel the product.

Before choosing the products, the user has to be previously registered on line by following the registration process. He need to fill in required information in the provided fields, especially the ones concerning the marital status, family name, first name, address, telephone number, e mail address and password. The user agrees not to give false information or to provide information belonging to third parties.